Exploring the Vision of Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai with Joshua T. Berglan

Joshua T Berglan
2 min readNov 28, 2023


A Deep Dive into Dr. Shiva’s Thoughts on American Politics, Innovation, and More

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In an insightful broadcast with Joshua T. Berglan, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, a presidential candidate, shared his profound views on various pivotal issues shaping America today. Here are the key highlights from their conversation.

The American Dream: A Present Struggle

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Dr. Shiva speaks passionately about the American dream, recognizing its current challenges. He emphasizes the need to revitalize this dream, not just for American citizens but for aspiring immigrants as well.

The Significance of Experience in Politics

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Touching on the importance of experience in politics, Dr. Shiva criticizes those who discuss issues like the plight of American workers or small business owners without having walked through these experiences themselves.

Digital Rights and Privacy

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Dr. Shiva expresses deep concerns about digital rights and privacy in our data-driven world. He delves into the balance between national security and individual privacy, highlighting the need for a robust public information infrastructure.

The Role of Scientific Research

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Dr. Shiva discusses his plans to support scientific research, especially in areas often overlooked by the government. He points out the politicization of science since the 1970s and the negative impact it has had on innovation.

Education Reform for the 21st Century

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Dr. Shiva shares his ideas for revamping the education system to meet modern demands. He stresses the importance of teaching systems thinking and personalizing education to unlock the full potential of students.

Ethics in AI and Technology

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Addressing ethical issues in AI and technology, Dr. Shiva advocates for policies that benefit the majority rather than a select few. He suggests compensating individuals for their knowledge contribution to AI developments.

Closing the Digital Divide

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Dr. Shiva proposes using existing technology and infrastructure, like the Postal Service, to provide high-speed internet access and bridge the digital divide, particularly in underprivileged areas.

The Necessity of Bottom-Up Movements

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Finally, Dr. Shiva emphasizes the need for a conscious and educated Bottoms Up movement to bring about significant change. He believes in empowering people through knowledge and awareness to challenge the status quo.

In conclusion, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai’s conversation with Joshua T. Berglan provided an in-depth look into his perspectives on critical issues facing America. His commitment to revitalizing the American dream, advancing scientific research, reforming education, and addressing the ethical challenges in technology highlights his unique approach to these complex problems. Dr. Shiva’s vision for a better future is rooted in empowering individuals and communities through education, innovation, and a strong sense of social responsibility.



Joshua T Berglan

Award Winning Omnimedia Producer | Independent Media & Media Literacy Expert | Creator of "Media Company in a Box" www.JoshuaTBerglan.com