Joshua T Berglan
3 min readOct 20, 2022

Hi folks, here we go!

Many of you don’t even know what Civil Commitment is, but let me give you a crash course:

It’s when an individual commits at least 2 sexual offenses and 1 or both result in incarceration. 30 days or so before the inmates release from serving there sentences handed down by judge or jury during due process proceedings. The vultures attack: DOJ (department of corrections) Psychologist paid by the State and a disciplinary committee of TDCJ all got together and secretly targeted these inmates to file suite on them to civilly commit and refer them to TCCO(Texas Civil Commitment Office), ran by Director Marsha McLane, Assistant Director And Attorney Jessica Marsh and a select group of correctional personnel, child advocacy people, criminal lawyers etc. And appoint them to the TCCO BOARD.

We have Whittmire to thank for getting the Bill passed and the Constitution Amended to exclude these individuals from there Civil Rights. We have Gregg Abbott to thank for appointing the TCCO Staff and BOARD. They portrayed this program to the families, the inmates and the jurors deciding there fate, as being a Residential Treatment Facility, a program that would provide redemption, intense psychological therapy, Rehabilitation and eventually release to rebuild their lives without any risk of reoffending and to be reunited with their families.

They lie to the guys when they ask why do they have to sign paperwork be evaluated right before there release from prison and are told it is to help them and their families, that it is done to provide treatment and rehabilitation.

Once they are sued to be civilly committed they are herded to Conroe Courthouse where a recently banned judge Michael T. SEILER(the 1 and only Civil Commitment judge appointed to deal with the individuals of sexual offenses). He did not allow the defense attorneys, witness’s, or the District Attorney to say the words Civil Commitment to the jury or to even explain to them what this program was. These poor unsuspecting residents of this program had no idea what was in store for them. Out Of ONE Hell only to be thrust into another one.

The jurors who voted to commit them thought that they were helping them get therapy and rehabilitation to protect the public and to help them reform. They were unsuspecting pawns in this process. Judge Seiler was so bias, hateful and discriminatory that he was made to resign and thrown off the bench to avoid all of the Civil Commitment cases from being retried and no doubt probably to avoid lawsuits and prosecution. Many of his cases got overturned over the years because of his bias and hatred.

Now we are here!

Other group members and I have been advocating against the punitive, Inhumane, deplorable treatment and conditions, as well as Excessive force, the use of physical and chemical restraints, Isolation cells, isolation from family members, inadequate medical, and all the civil rights violations known to man. As a result of advocacy efforts residents are being retaliated against. My son has been a huge target of MTC (Management Training Corporation) and TCCO (Texas Civil Commitment Office). One might ask themselves why is a corrections company even dealing with civilians in a residential treatment facility? I only discovered this in its entirety when I viewed a Corrections Committee Meeting on Civil Commitment. You get the picture?

I am calling out to all the legislatures to look into this program concerning all the laws of the land and humanity are being broken. I know there are some of you that believe that these individuals deserve these things to happen to them.

But u can bet your bottom dollar that these behind closed doors passing Bills, creating Programs etc. being passed into law to target a certain class of people, can and will spread out to you or your loved ones. The United States Constitution is for EVERYONE and so is HUMANITY.

On my next Segment I will let you know how much you are paying for the exile of these individuals. This will definitely shock you! CAN ANYONE SAY CASH COW!

Until next time.


Preachers Wife



Joshua T Berglan

Award Winning Omnimedia Producer | Independent Media & Media Literacy Expert | Creator of "Media Company in a Box" www.JoshuaTBerglan.com