Joshua “The World’s Mayor” LIVE from MSOP Moose Lake part 2

Joshua T Berglan
4 min readAug 12, 2022


Part 2 of my interview with Daniel A. Wilson, LIVE from Moose Lake, Minnesota’s MSOP (Minnesota Sex Offender Program).

Daniel has been very instrumental in exposing the horrors that happen in this shadow prison disguised as a hospital and bringing to light all of the injustices that are happening there.

Whether people believe it or not, we are all at risk of the same things happening to us, innocent or not.

Thank you for watching this segment of Joshua “The World’s Mayor”…..

The effects of Indefinite Detention:

Statement for the Record by the Center for Victims of Torture U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship “The Expansion and Troubling Use of ICE Detention” September 26, 2019.

The Indefinite Nature of Immigration Detention, Particularly When Prolonged, Can Cause Both Psychological and Physical Trauma. CVT considers detention “indefinite” when it is without charge or trial for an undefined duration throughout which the individual does not know when or whether she will be released. In the immigration context, length of detention often depends on a variety of factors, most of which are entirely outside of detainees’ control and are not clearly communicated or predictable. Individuals typically have limited access to information about their options or what they can do or expect at each stage, and the information they do receive may be in a language (or legal jargon) they do not understand.

iii From three decades of experience healing torture survivors, CVT knows that indefinite detention can cause such severe and protracted health problems that it rises to the level of cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment.iv The indeterminacy of indefinite detention can be overpowering — it creates such uncertainty, unpredictability, and loss of control over the basic aspects of one’s life that it seriously harms healthy individuals, independent of other aspects or conditions of detention. Indeed, as CVT has previously explained, “medical examinations have documented indefinite detention leading to profound depression and vegetative symptoms, with all the attendant degradation of multiple aspects of health.”v Indefinite detention’s harmful psychological and physical effects can include: · Severe and chronic anxiety and dread; · Pathological levels of stress that have damaging effects on the core physiologic functions of the immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as on the central nervous system; · Depression and suicide; · Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); and · Enduring personality changes and permanent estrangement from family and community that compromises any hope of the detainee regaining a normal life following release.

vi Many of CVT’s clients who were subjected to indefinite detention speak of the absolute despair they felt, never knowing if their detention would come to an end. Fahran worked as a translator to the U.S. Army in Afghanistan. He fled to the United States after being targeted for this work. After several months of travel via planes, road, and rivers through Dubai, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Central America, and Mexico, he arrived at the U.S. border. He was ultimately transferred to a Texas detention center, where he remained for 23 months before being granted asylum. He spoke of the state he observed in other detainees there. “I saw people who lost their minds. They couldn’t take it. It just became too much. One guy was not able to eat. He wouldn’t talk. He felt too much pressure; he started to breakdown. Then he just vanished from the dorms and we never knew what happened to him.”

vii As one CVT clinician explained: “Imagine living with the constant question: Am I ever going to get out of here? . . . In the context of everything that is happening — from apprehension at the 3 border and throughout their time in detention — the indefinite nature of the detention experience is a destructive blanket over it all.”

viii Indefinite detention also affects individuals beyond the detainee himself / herself. When a loved one is indefinitely detained, families are separated; parents, spouses, and children can suffer — and have suffered — similar feelings of uncertainty, unpredictability, and uncontrollability, leading to the physical and psychological effects described above.

Thank you for being here!

With love,

Joshua T Berglan



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Joshua T Berglan

Award Winning Omnimedia Producer | Independent Media & Media Literacy Expert | Creator of "Media Company in a Box"