T.D. Jakes In His Presence By Hedieh Mirahmadi

Joshua T Berglan
3 min readAug 7, 2020


No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.

Joshua 1:5‭-‬6 NKJV

Joshua is a chapter about God’s power and is analogous to Ephesians in the New Testament, except Joshua’s inheriting land and Ephesians is about inheriting spiritual power from Christ Jesus.

When you lose everything you know, and you have nowhere else to turn, that’s when faith manifests because you rely only on God. “As I was so shall I be”. Though everything around us may be unknown or changing, God has been there the whole time and will continue to be. He is the only constant. He is the absolute in the face of variables. No matter what season of life you’re in, no matter who betrayed you or left you, God never forsakes you or leaves you.

It is important in our walk with Christ that we find a purpose bigger than us, because God’s blessing is always about more than just us. Your Divine purpose is always connected to other people. God tells Joshua repeatedly to be strong and courageous because its more than about him. He has the whole people of Israel to lead. It is also a warning that without that strength, he won’t make it. Supernatural strength and courage comes from spending time in God’s presence which is exactly what we do during worship. Worship is the only time you’re giving something to God because during the sermon He is giving to us!

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Psalms 150:6

What God is really promising in this passage is his presence. Joshua will will have to fight but He’s in it with him. So the promise is the presence not the property. When you follow God’s purpose for you, the battle is not your it’s the Lord’s. the one thing the devil can never take away is the Lord’s presence which he promises to you. That is the promise you should depend on, not leaning on wealth or a spouse or job to fulfill you because those can be taken away.

God also commands the Israelites to meditate in the word day and night, never to deviate from its laws. “Delight in it and seek to obey it”. God is telling us how He wants us to express our love. Don’t wait to be grateful before you praise. Praise HIm as often as you can; you don’t need a worship band, you need a heart that is open to God. Everyone needs a devotional that can anchor us because the trials of life will take us up and down. The only thing we can always depend on is God’s presence.

The safest place in the world to be is in God’s purpose because you know He will protect it. If you’re in his purpose he will heal your sickness, he will fight your enemies. Never let things of this world take you away from that calling on your life.

So if you ever find yourself stripped of everything familiar to you, know that you are on the cusp of a Divine shift in your life. God is preparing you for another level. That is the time to go even deeper into worship and prayer because it will require the strength and courage that can only come from drawing nearer to Him. This is when you discover that the prize is not the property or possessions; it is His presence.



Joshua T Berglan

Award Winning Omnimedia Producer | Independent Media & Media Literacy Expert | Creator of "Media Company in a Box" www.JoshuaTBerglan.com